MED-PEDS Student Interest Group
Residents work closely with medical students in their clinical years, but we have the unique opportunity to also have an impact in their pre-clinical years through the Med-Peds Student Interest Group. We collaborate on everything from teaching to community outreach to local advocacy efforts. In the first half of the year, the students are introduced to the Med-Peds program. It is a great opportunity for students to meet the residents and learn more about what makes Med-Peds so special! Students are able to get involved in advocacy projects in the community through different events such as the Back-to-School Expo and the Shen Science night. At those events, both students and residents educate kids and their parents on different health topics such as healthy eating habits and first aid skills. As a resident, this is also an opportunity to work on your skills with communicating with the public on topics and activities you come up with.
During the second half of the year, the Med-Peds residents are able to refine their teaching skills by preparing a lecture series for the 2nd year med students that prepares them for their clinical years. Students are introduced to the art of the history and physical exam on adults vs. children, how to develop and explore different differential diagnoses, and the skills to use on the wards. Their learning is enhanced with hands-on experience through real world cases and valuable tools as students prepare to become practicing clinicians. It is a fun experience for both the residents and the students involved!

- To Friend or Not to Friend?: A Survey of Patient Relationships via Social Media. 2020: Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Natalie Chlus
- Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Secondary to Reactive Thrombocytosis, a Rare Complication of Iron Deficiency Anemia. 2020: Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Natalie Chlus
- Cinacalcet-Associated Resolution of Primary Hyperparathyroidism in a Patient With Normal Kidney Function. J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2020; PMID: 32583691
- Son Nguyen
- Navigating the physician-patient relationship on social media: A comparison of current practices in adult and pediatric providers. Abstract accepted and presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference & Exhibition, October 2019, New Orleans, LA.
- Natalie Chlus
- Case Series of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in Adults From a Single Center & Case Series of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in Children requiring Critical Care.
- Case Series investigating factors that influence mortality in critically ill adults.
- Case Series of Babesiosis at a Single Center & case series investigating babesiosis in critically ill adults. CHEST 2019, October 19-23, New Orleans, LA.
- Robert Wilcott
- Working with local insurance companies and pharmacies to label asthma medications to promote correct usage (IRB approval pending). 2019-present.
- Mae Huo, Brittany Tayler, Mario Felix
- Treatment of Acute Bacterial Sinusitis with High-Dose vs Standard-Dose Amoxicillin/Clavulanate: A Confirmation Study.2018- 2020.
- Jennifer Gregory, Bichtram Huynh, Brittany Tayler
- Improving Fluoride Varnish Rates in a Primary Care Clinic, Quality Improvement. AMC Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Clinic.2017- 2020.
- Mae Huo, Jenny Gregory, Evan Romrell, Rip Wilcott
- Simultaneous QI and retrospective study implementing an evidence-based, independently designed high-flow oxygen pathway to measure and improve outcomes in length of hospitalization & Improving High-Flow Oxygen Utilization in Pediatric Patients Ages 2 Months to 2 Years, 2018-2019.
- Jessica Jaddaoui and Harinder Bawa
- Improving HPV Vaccination Rates Among Adolescent Patients Ages 11-17.2017-2019.
- Jessica Jaddaoui, Harinder Bawa, Catherine Pfeiffer
- Improving the Accuracy of Blood Pressure Measurements in Ambulatory Clinic. QI project to identify, validate, and correct the modifiable factors that impact accurate blood pressure measurements outlined in the 2017 AHA Hypertension guidelines.
- Chaddy Elhawary
- Longitudinal Monitoring of Pediatric Growth Curves Using Novel Pediatric Nutrition Formula Calculator.
- Chaddy Elhawary
- Impact of Deep Suctioning on Length of Stay in Bronchiolitis Patients Ages 6 Months to 2 Years.2017-2018.
- Jessica Jaddaoui, Mae Huo, Harinder Bawa
- Improving Resident Competency in Women’s Health and Gynecologic Procedures. 2016-2019.
- Jessica Jaddaoui
- When a Serious Clinical Sign becomes REALLY Serious. Poster presented at the National Med-Peds Residents’ Association (NMPRA) annual conference, October 2020. Rizwan Jattala.
- Not Another Migraine: An Atypical Presentation of Iron Deficiency Anemia. Poster presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference & Exhibition, October 2020. Natalie Chlus.
- Neurolisteriosis: That’s the Diagnosis! Poster presented at the American College of Physicians (ACP) New York Chapter Meeting. February 2020. Natalie Chlus.
- Navigating the physician-patient relationship on social media: A comparison of current practices in adult and pediatric providers. Presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference & Exhibition, October 2019, New Orleans, LA. Natalie Chlus.
- “Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Not a Laughing Matter.” Presented as the Resident Clinical Case Competition Winner. National NMPRA Conference 2019, New Orleans, LA. Ariel Nash.
- “Doesn’t Always Ring a Bell: A Unique Presentation of Cogans Syndrome.” Poster presentation. National NMPRA Conference 2019, New Orleans, LA. Brittany Tayler.
- Resolution of AKI After Large Volume Paracentesis and Correction of Intra-abdominal Hypertension. CHEST 2019. October 19-23. New Orleans, LA. Robert Wilcott.
- ARDS and Pneumothorax as a Manifestation of Amiodarone Pulmonary Toxicity.CHEST 2019. October 19-23. New Orleans, LA. Robert Wilcott.
- Sudden onset Facial Swelling in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Mimicking Angioedema. CHEST 2019. October 19-23. New Orleans, LA. Robert Wilcott.
- Neuroleptic-Induced Respiratory Akathasia, a Rare Cause of Dyspnea.CHEST 2019. October 19-23. New Orleans, LA. Muhammad Salick and Robert Wilcott.
- Sarcoma Metastasis Causing Atrial Fibrillation and Refractory Pleural Effusion.CHEST 2019. October 19-23. New Orleans, LA. Muhammad Salick and Robert Wilcott.
- What a Sweet Baby: An Unfamiliar Presentation of a Common Critical Care Issue. Poster presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exposition. October 2019, New Orleans, LA. Natalie Chlus.
- Group A Streptococcus: What a Pain in the Neck! Poster electronically presented at Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine. July 2019. Natalie Chlus.
- Examining Communication Between Nursing and the Resident Physician. Poster presentation. Albany Medical Center Patient Safety Awareness Week 2019. Lisa Eberhardt and Son H. Nguyen.
- Morbidity and Mortality 2.0: Not Your Mother’s M&M.Albany Medical Center Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds. June 2019. Chaddy Elhawary and Jessica Jaddaoui.
- Improving Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Rates in 11-17 Year Olds: A Two-Pronged Approach. Poster presentation. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting. April 2019. Jessica Jaddaoui, Harinder Bawa, Catherine Pfeiffer.
- “FUO: That Time We Found a Source.”Presented at the Intercity Infectious Disease Rounds – Local Meeting and Dinner Conference, April 2019 and the National NMPRA Conference, October 2019. Mae Huo.
- Heart Failure with a Large Retroperitoneal Mass: Connected or Coincidence? Accepted to Society of Hospital Medicine, April 2018. Robert Wilcott and Sherif Shoucri.
- Interprofessional Student Collaboration: Benefits of Medical and Pharmacy Students Working Together on an Interprofessional Acute Care Rounding Team. Poster presentation. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Midyear Clinical Meeting. December 2018. Jessica Monzyk, Dawn Pluckrose, Son H. Nguyen, James Desemone, Amanda Engle.
- A unique presentation of C-ANCA/PR-3 positive Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and Alport’s Syndrome without vasculitis.Poster presentation. National Medicine-Pediatrics Residents Association Conference, November 2018. Chaddy Elhawary.
- “A Case of Anti-Synthetase Syndrome (Anti-Jo1+ Polymyositis): A Classic Adult Disease in a Rare Pediatric Patient.”Oral and Poster presentation. National Med-Peds Residents Association Conference, November 2018. Jessica Jaddaoui.
- “Diagnosis and Management of Acute Suppurative Thyroiditis in Adult & Pediatric Patients.” Presented at Intercity Infectious Disease Rounds – Local Meeting and Dinner Conference. April 2018. Jessica Jaddaoui.
- When it’s NOT a Tumor: A Case of Acute Suppurative Thyroiditis.Poster presentation. Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine (PHM) National Conference. July 2018. Jessica Jaddaoui.
- An Upstream Approach to Improving Inner City School Success through Healthy Lifestyle Education. Poster Presentation. Albany Medical Center Resident Research Day & Fifth Annual New York State Pediatric Advocacy Coalition (NYSPAC) Conference. Catherine Pfeiffer, Harinder Bawa. April 25, 2018 & November 9, 2017.
- “Advocacy in Resident Education.”Oral Presentation. Albany Medical Center Pediatric Grand Rounds. Patricia Hopkins-Braddock, Katherine Dougherty, Harinder K. Bawa, Catherine Pfeiffer. April 11, 2018.
- “Wet and Wild: Drowning in Sarcoidosis.” Oral and Poster presentation. National Med-Peds Residency Association (NMPRA) National Conference. Jessica Jaddaoui. October 22, 2016.
- A Case of Idiopathic Pauci-Immune Pulmonary Capilaritis (IPIPC). Poster Presentation. American Thoracic Society (ATS) National Conference. Jessica Jaddaoui. May 28, 2016.

- Lobbying for vaccine laws & vaping regulations at the NYS capital through Senators and Councilors and at Albany County City Council
- Speaking to students in local high schools during health classes about vaping and the associated dangers
- Annual National NMPRA Community Service Week.
- St Margaret’s Facility tree donation – Catherine Pfeiffer & Bichtram Huynh, 2019
- Capital City Rescue Mission winter care packages – Chaddy Elhawary & Jessica Jaddaoui, 2018
- Albany Medical Center CARE (Capital Advocacy Resident Education) & The Baby Institute Project. Developing a series of classes to help promote healthy parenting skills and early literacy.
- Harinder Bawa and Catherine Pfeiffer, 2019
- Annual Capital City Back-to-School Expo. Community gathering centered around raising awareness for students and their parents on the importance of diet, exercise and mental health.
- Annual Community Block Party at Sheridan Hollow, Albany, NY. Community health fair centered around smoking cessation, asthma control, exercise, and hypertension screening.
- Annual Shenendehowa School District Science and Heath Discovery Fair.
- AAP National SOPT Advocacy Project: “Access4Kids” Annual Campaign.
- Bichtram Huynh, 2019
- Rizwan Jattala, 2018
- Mae Huo, 2017
- Harinder Bawa, 2016
- Jessica Jaddaoui, 2015
- Boxing Clinic. Performed boxing clearance physical exams on professional athletes.
- Volunteer Physician: Catherine Pfeiffer 2018
- JCC Maccabi Games, NY Capital Region. Alongside our sports medicine colleagues, residents provide medical and musculoskeletal injury assessments, follow-ups and clearances.
- Volunteer Physician: Harinder Bawa 2017
- Sports Safety Clinic at Albany Medical Center.
- Mae Huo, 2015-2017
- Mae Huo, 2015-2017
Our residents participate in a variety of leadership roles within Albany Medical Center, regionally and nationally. The following are some examples of committees in which our residents have been involved in within the last 2 academic years.
Medical Student Educational Activities
National Med-Peds Residents’ Association (NMPRA) Executive Committee
AMC Graduate Medical Education Council
Internal Medicine Residency Council
GME Wellness Committee
Pediatric Residency Program Evaluation Committees (PEC)
AMC Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Executive Leadership Council
- Chief Residents
- Director of Curriculum Development
- Director of Public Relations
- Director of MPSIG (Med-Peds Student Interest Group)
- Director of Resident Wellness Initiatives
- NMPRA Representative
- AAP Representative
Albany Medical Center QI & Safety
- Hospital Rapid Response Committee
- Hospital CLABSI & CAUTI Committee
- House Officer Quality Council (HOQC)
- Morbidity and Mortality Council